Hi Kieren;

  Yeah, I didn't state my question as precisely as I meant to.

  This arranger uses the mixture of styles **in the same action**
(what is a better way to state this?)

  I think it is fine to use text the first time, then use a hairpin
for the next time, etc; but these are distinct actions.

  Anyway, I was able to get the hairpin to work if I disabled the
forced line break and the forced page break.

  I tried fiddling around with "\override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f"
from "Controlling spanner visibility after a line break" in the
Snippets Reference, but apparently I don't know how to use that
properly, as it looks like a NO-OP :-)


On Sun, Sep 11, 2022 at 7:37 PM Kieren MacMillan
<kie...@kierenmacmillan.info> wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> > BTW, this arranger uses a mixture of hairpins and "cresc."/"dim." which 
> > seems really silly to me.
> > Why not use only hairpins or only cresc+dim?
> There are lots of good reasons to use both in a single score. That being 
> said, a quick glance at the score you attached suggests the good reasons 
> aren't the ones being used hereā€¦
> Cheers,
> Kieren.

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