An update with a solution re gvim with point and click. This would also apply to other Linux distros apart from Alma Linux I think.

It turns out the missing comma for the gvim remote command has been submitted as a bug report. But the gobbledygook internal message that gvim prints and requires you to acknowledge by pressing enter - totally unnecessary to see or do - can be fixed by using a different command to execute the remote gvim call.

Hence, in libexec/lilypond-invoke-editor the gvim commands line needs to be changed to use a call to cursor() and not use the norm command. This fixes the problem, and makes gvim nice to use again in this context.

#   "gvim": [("gvim", "--remote", "+:%(line)s:norm%(column)s", "%(file)s")],


     "gvim": [("gvim", "--remote", "+call cursor(%(line)s,%(column)s)", "%(file)s")],

So we go from this situation in the first image attachment to the correct one in the second attachment, and no 'press ENTER...'.

It took three days full time to figure this out, including having to read the source code for vim!

I'll submit a patch for this fix.

Since gvim supports a lilypond syntax file, this is a good solution for Lilypond as an alternative to Frescobaldi. I did look into this a few years ago when I 'outgrew' Frescobaldi with some really long and complex scores and Frescobaldi's response time blew out to unusable levels. I think this is still an issue in Frescobaldi. It may not affect all users, but gvim can handle files of any length and provides a solution to this problem.

I have not read anything much about gvim point and click on Linux on the list. Or maybe people put up with the junk message and keypress and don't complain about it. How many people use this setup? Maybe one or two!

[Amusingly I am an emacs user but last time I used that there were still bad defects in the lilypond code that I am not experienced enough to solve, and I think these have still not been attended to, although I may be wrong. Hence my interest in gvim for Lilypond.]


On 5/09/2022 9:46 am, Andrew Bernard wrote:
In response to the recent thread on alternatives to Frescobaldi on Alma Linux I have prepared this set of instructions. I have tested this and there are two points in addition to the notes below.

One, I am unable to get rid of the last line of the extensive status message gvim shows at the bottom when invoked with a remote call. This is puzzling - I am working on it.

Second, in 2.23.12 at least, there is an error, strangely only for gvim, in libexec/lilypond-invoke editor. Line 130 is missing a comma, and must be updated to:

    "gvim": [("gvim", "--remote", "+:%(line)s:norm%(column)s", "%(file)s")],

I have submitted a bug report request about this.

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