Quick answers to quick questions:
Le 05/09/2022 à 21:48, Kyle Baldwin a écrit :
Hello -
I'm trying to write an engraver that works in this way.
It listens for absolute-dynamic events and text script and
hairpin/dynamic-text-spanner events with a custom event name
(ExpressiveTextEvent) and do some formatting. If the text is by
itself, it's italicized and put below the staff. If there is a dynamic
event, it creates a new stencil with dynamic + text. If both the
absolute and spanner exist, put the text below the spanner. There is
also an option on the Expressive text where it will force the text to
go above the staff. (All inspired by Gould 495)
Everything works great as long as I have everything on the same staff.
However, I would like to keep my dynamics and my notes separate in a
<< \Staff \Dynamics>> setup. In this way, I can put the engraver on
the Score and everything works well. But I am unsure how to expand
this to a score with multiple sets of << \Staff \Dynamics>>.
Three quick questions which maybe make it seem like I've missed
something rudimentary.
Is there an easy way to access the child contexts of a context through
scheme in order to record names and make pairs?
I think the most straightforward way would be to acknowledge their
VerticalAxisGroup grobs (characterized by
((hara-kiri-group-spanner-interface engraver grob source-engraver)
... (ly:translator-context source-engraver) ...))
Note that ly:translator-context is new in 2.23.
Can I even access the source contexts in either of the listener or
acknowledger sections of an engraver?
Listeners, no. Acknowledgers, yes, with ly:translator-context as shown
Would it be easiest to just create a new context type that wraps the
music + dynamics and just put the custom engraver on that? Any other
Wrapping in a custom context type is what I would personally do.