Good morning,
thanks for the reply!  You're right, I could have added a few more details.
The operating system is Windows 10. For using Lilypond on command line, I
followed the instructions on the site.
I added the folder "C:Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin" to the
environmental variable “Path”.
 I think I followed them well, as the "ilypond" command works.  The other
commands "lilypond-book" and "convert-ly" instead give me the following

'lilypond-book' is not recognized as an internal or external command

What I notice is that in the folder in question there are lilypond-book and
convert-ly scripts, but they are without extension (for example * .py)

What do you think about?

Il lun 5 set 2022, 02:13 Knute Snortum <> ha scritto:

> On Sun, Sep 4, 2022 at 9:06 AM Rip _Mus <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Good morning,
> > I have installed the version 2.22.1, wich I used for a lot of big
> project.
> > A lot of times I tried to open terminal and run "lilypond-book" but
> without success. I already add the folder "...\usr\bin" to the
> environmental variabile path, in fact the command "lilypond" runs.
> > Someone could help me?
> It would be helpful to know exactly what is going wrong.  Do you get
> error messages?  Post them.  Not doing what you think it should?  Tell
> us what it's doing and what you think it should be doing.  Also, tell
> us the OS, is it linux?
> --
> Knute Snortum

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