On Fri 19 Aug 2022 at 09:32:45 (+0200), Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: > What I didn't change: Classical convention would probably give the > final bar a length of only 4 (with fermata), not 1. But I wouldn't put > too much stock in this, I know that a crotchet final chord would > probably look strange, and there are plenty of counterexamples to that > convention.
I'm used to seeing this air written in 8/4, which looks like this (the last note sung would be 1~4). Cheers, David.
\version "2.22.2" % Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) global = { \language "english" \numericTimeSignature \time 8/4 \key c \major \tempo "Smoothly, with expression" \partial 2. } \header { title = "Danny Boy" subtitle = "(Londonderry Air)" } \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f markup-system-spacing.padding = 3 } \layout { system-count = 7 \accidentalStyle modern } rh = { \global \clef treble b'4^2 c''^1 d'' | % m01 e''4 a'' g'' e'' | % m02 d''4^1 c''^3 a' c'' | % m03 g'2 <ef'^2 a'^4> | % m04 %\break <d' b'>4\fermata b^2 c'^1 d' | % m05 \repeat volta 2 { e'2. d'4 | % m06 %\break e'4 a' g' e' | % m07 %\break d'4^1(c')^2 a2^1 ~ | % m08 a4 c' e' f' | % m09 g'2. a'4 | % m10 %\break g'4 e' c' e'^3 | % m11 %\break d'1 ~ | % m12 d'4 b^2 c'^1 d' | % m13 %\break e'2. d'4 | % m14 %\break e'4 a' g' e' | % m15 d'4^1(c'^2) a2^1 ~ | % m16 %\break a4 b^2 c'^1 d' | % m17 <c' e'>2. f'4 | % m18 e'4 d' c' d' | % m19 %\break c'1 ~ | % m20 c'4 g'^2 a' b' | % m21 <e' c''>2. b'4 | % m22 b'4 a' g' a' | % m23 %\break g'4(e') c'2 ~ | % m24 c'4 g'^2 a' b' | % m25 <e' c''>2. b'4 | % m26 %\break b'4 a' g' e' | % m27 d'1 ~ | % m28 d'4 g'^2 <f'! g'> q | % m29 %\break <g' e''>2. d''4 | % m30 <a' d''>4 c'' a' c'' | % m31 g'4(e') c'2 | % m32 %\break r4 b^2 c'^1 d' | % m33 e'4 a' g' e'^2 | % m34 d'4^1 c'^2 a b | % m35 } %\break \alternative { { c'2 <ef' a'> | % m36 <d' b'>4\fermata b^2 c' d' | % m37 } { c'1 | % m38 <c'' e''>4\fermata | % m39 \bar "|." } } } piano_dynamics = { \global s8\mp s2 s8 | % m01 s1 | % m02 s1 | % m03 s1 | % m04 %\break s1 | % m05 \repeat volta 2 { s1 | % m06 %\break s1 | % m07 %\break s1 | % m08 s1 | % m09 s1 | % m10 %\break s1 | % m11 %\break s1 | % m12 s1 | % m13 %\break s1 | % m14 %\break s1 | % m15 s1 | % m16 %\break s1 | % m17 s1 | % m18 s1 | % m19 %\break s1 | % m20 s1 | % m21 s1 | % m22 s1 | % m23 %\break s1 | % m24 s1 | % m25 s1 | % m26 %\break s1 | % m27 s1 | % m28 s1 | % m29 %\break c4 g c'2 | % m30 f2 c' | % m31 e2 a | % m32 %\break s1 | % m33 s1 | % m34 s1 | % m35 } %\break \alternative { { s1 | % m36 s1 | % m37 } { s1 | % m38 s4 | % m39 } } } lh = { \global \clef bass r4 r2 | % m01 c'2_1 bf | % m02 <f c'>2 <fs c'> | % m03 <g c'>2 fs | % m04 %\break f4\fermata r r2 | % m05 \repeat volta 2 { c4_5 g c'2 | % m06 %\break b2 bf | % m07 %\break a2 f4 e | % m08 d2 <f g> | % m09 c2 b! | % m10 %\break a2_1 fs_2 | % m11 %\break f4_3 d c' a | % m12 g1 | % m13 %\break c4 g b2 | % m14 %\break bf1 | % m15 a2 f4 e | % m16 %\break d2 <f af> | % m17 g2 g, | % m18 <f g>1 | % m19 %\break g2 e | % m20 c2 <f g> | % m21 c4 g c'2 | % m22 <f c'>2 <e c'> | % m23 %\break <c c'>2 b | % m24 a2 <f g> | % m25 c4 g c'2 | % m26 %\break <f e'>2 <e d'> | % m27 fs4_3 d c' a | % m28 <g b>2 g, | % m29 %\break c4 g c'2 | % m30 f2 c' | % m31 e2 a | % m32 %\break <f af>1 | % m33 g2 a | % m34 <d fs>2 <f g> | % m35 } %\break \alternative { { <c e>2 fs | % m36 f4\fermata r r2 | % m37 } { <c e>2 g | % m38 c4\fermata | % m39 } } } \score { \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Piano" } << \new Staff \rh \new Dynamics \piano_dynamics \new Staff \lh >> \layout {} } \score { \unfoldRepeats { << \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \rh } \new Dynamics \piano_dynamics \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" \lh } >> } \midi { \tempo 4=108 } }
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