> On Aug 18, 2022, at 2:15 PM, Benjamin Bruce <benja...@koine.gr> wrote:
> Thanks for digging into this for me. Yes, both cases are necessary for 
> typesetting shape note hymns, as illustrated by the attached scan. I believe 
> the rule for this is that the notehead should be pointed up in the treble 
> clef, and down in the bass clef.

Of the three hymnals that I have that use shaped notes, two do *not* reverse 
the Fa notehead in the treble clef—so Lilypond’s current output matches what 
those two hymnals do.

Since I primarily reference one of these hymnals for the engraving I do with 
Lilypond, I had never seen the behavior that you are describing until you 
pointed it out.

Now I’m wondering how representative those two hymnals are.


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