Thank you, Aaron.  Yes, I found that Wikipedia entry at about the same
time that I first struggled with the tremolo.

It really comes back to being able to think and write fluently, doesn't it? :-)

Thanks to you all for your great support on this list.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 9:09 AM Aaron Hill <> wrote:
> On 2022-08-18 8:49 am, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
> > What even makes it more difficult is when I don't even know what
> > something is called at all (no terminology) and/or when I have no clue
> > how to succinctly describe what it is that I don't know.  For example,
> > the tremolo; I recognized the graphic but I had no way to search for
> > it by appearance, only read every line of the documentation until I
> > find it and the "ah ha".
> This is where I imagine the visual index is most helpful.  But I do
> wonder how often the Music Glossary is overlooked as a resource.  It
> includes pictures for entries; in this case, tremolo is represented.
> Going outside of LilyPond's manuals, Wikipedia has a good list [1].
> [1]:
> -- Aaron Hill

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