Le 11/08/2022 à 16:47, Orm Finnendahl a écrit :

  below is a snippet and attached a pdf which shows the f sharp
accidental in the lower voice on the downbeat of bar 2 too far away
from the notehead. The distance seems to be related to the tied note
in the upper voice. Although the accidental is not repeated there, it
is taken into account for the placement of the accidental in the lower
voice. How can I fix it? I'm sure this has come up before but I
couldn't find anything in the LSR and google couldn't help with my
search terms either.


\version "2.23.11"

<< {
   cis''1 ~ cis''2
} \\ {
   s2 a'4 g'4 fis'2
} >>

See https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2021-04/msg00188.html

You need to do

\version "2.23.11"

<< {
  cis''1 ~ \single \omit Accidental cis''2
} \\ {
  s2 a'4 g'4 fis'2
} >>

or the equivalent

\version "2.23.11"

<< {
  cis''1 ~ \tweak Accidental.stencil ##f cis''2
} \\ {
  s2 a'4 g'4 fis'2
} >>


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