Hi Jean,

that is beautiful. I’m always impressed by your vast understanding of each 
single (not even documented) detail of Lilypond!


Am Samstag, 6. August 2022, 15:55:41 CEST schrieb Jean Abou Samra:
> Hi Valentin,
> Le 06/08/2022 à 15:05, Valentin Petzel a écrit :
> > But we can in fact implement a simple function that tries to fit the
> > TrillSpanner  (or in fact any spanner) to the notes. Consult the appended
> > file for details.
> FYI, the bulk of this function can be simplified using
> ly:relative-group-extent. That said, there's a much simpler
> way. Your function is essentially reimplementing part of
> the side-position-interface. TrillSpanner has its Y offset
> computed by side-position-interface::y-aligned-side, so apart
> from outside-staff-priority handling, it will avoid objects
> in its side-support-elements array. The problem here is that
> by default, LilyPond doesn't fill in this array. On the other
> hand, Trill_spanner_engraver fills a note-columns array
> which contains exactly what you want, so you can just use that:
>      \override TrillSpanner.meta.object-callbacks.side-support-elements =
>        #(lambda (grob)
>           (ly:grob-object grob 'note-columns))
> Add \override TrillSpanner.staff-padding = ##f and
> side-position-interface::y-aligned-side will no longer
> push the object out of the staff.
> Also, instead of defining functions tweaking the direction,
> I'd suggest allowing the syntax with _ and ^ by looking
> at the event's direction property.
> Giving:
> \version "2.22.0"
> \layout {
>    \context {
>      \Score
>      \override TrillSpanner.outside-staff-priority = ##f
>      \override TrillSpanner.staff-padding = ##f
>      \override TrillSpanner.meta.object-callbacks.side-support-elements =
>        #(lambda (grob)
>           (ly:grob-object grob 'note-columns))
>      \override TrillSpanner.direction =
>        #(lambda (grob)
>           (let ((ev (event-cause grob)))
>             (ly:event-property ev 'direction UP)))
>    }
> }
> mus = \relative c'' {
>    <<{ \pitchedTrill
>     c'1~^\f
>     \startTrillSpan
>     des c1*7/8 s8 \stopTrillSpan }\\{\pitchedTrill
>     a1~\f
>     \startTrillSpan bes a1*7/8 s8 \stopTrillSpan}>>
> }
> {
>    \clef treble
>    \mus
>    \transpose c a, \mus
>    \transpose c fis, \mus
>    \transpose c c, \mus
>    \transpose c a,, \mus
>    \transpose c fis,, \mus
>    \transpose c c,, \mus
> }
> % Using TrillSpanner.padding to correct distance
> {
>    f''1_\startTrillSpan ~ 1 \stopTrillSpan
>    1\tweak padding 0 _\startTrillSpan ~ 1 \stopTrillSpan
>    1\tweak padding 2 _\startTrillSpan ~ 1 \stopTrillSpan
>    1\tweak padding -1 _\startTrillSpan ~ 1 \stopTrillSpan
> }
> Best,
> Jean

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