> Le 01/08/2022 19:28 CEST, st...@linuxsuite.org a écrit : > > > Hi, > > I know this has come up before, but I can't figure it out.. What is > the right way to end the first section with a double bar that will > go with the "D. C. al Fine". If I put the \bar "|.", the repeat at > the beginning of the next repeat is wiped out. Is possible on > 2.18.2?
This is easier in 2.23.x, the current series of development versions, because there is a dedicated \repeat segno feature, but it's also possible in 2.18 with \bar ".|:-|." (no need to define it yourself, it's already predefined). \version "2.18.2" \relative c'' { \time 2/4 \repeat volta 2 { c4 c | c c | } \alternative { { d b } { c b^"Fine" } } \break \repeat volta 2 { \bar ".|:-|." c4 c | c c | } \alternative { { d b } { c b^"D. C. al Fine" } } \bar "||" } Best, Jean