Have you read NEWS and the "font selection" part of the docs?
(advanced notation, text, font selection)
Those should answer your questions.  If not, let us know.

Yes, I did, but it was a bit unclear to me how to exactly make a specific font as the default one. I guess I need to learn more about fontconfig :)

After some tweaking I was able to see EC and CM fonts by:

1 - copying the folder \cygwin\usr\share\texmf\fonts\type1\ to any folder in the font directory list in fonts.conf

2 - provide required aliases for font names:

                        <family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family>

(btw is this the correct way to go?)

I was getting some messy results until I read the "Default font in 2.5.26 on Windows" post in the lilypon-devel list:

In font.scm there is:
(add-pango-fonts n 'roman "Century Schoolbook L" factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'sans "Luxi Sans" factor)
But on Windows these fonts are not present. So Pango goes back to some default: Bitstream Vera Sans for both. That's not optimal.
 If I change font.scm to:
    (add-pango-fonts n 'roman "serif" factor)
    (add-pango-fonts n 'sans "sans-serif" factor)
 it will use pango's preferences for fonts.

Changing this I get a text layout similar to 2.4.6, but there are two things I still need to fix:

1 - The space character is "underscored" according to the glyph for the space char in the EC fontset. So I get "spaced_words" instead of "apaced words". How can I get rid of it? It's not enough to have the 0x20 char (space) in the "blank" list in fontconfig?

2 - The endash (long hyphen) character appears as two hyphens. Supposedly "--" translates to endash in EC and CM, but I can't make it appear again. Why?

Sorry if I'm asking dumb or trivial questions. This way of tweaking settings is new to me (being a Windows zombie) and I feel a bit lost sometimes...

Thanks and greetings,


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