
I took a look at "3.5.1 SATB vocal score". But I have to do little
changes: I have to write lyrics beetween "Soprano" and "Tenor" staves
for all staffs (TenorI, TenorII, BassI and BassII) with exception that
sometimes TenorI or BassII has to sing more words on additional eighth
while other staffs have a2.~a

After the lyric "...nicht Reb -- huhn ge -- jagt," TenorI and BassII
have to sing "Hal -- la -- li" while the rest is holding on "a2.~a".
Afterwards all staves follow the text "und die Jagd auf al -- le Vö --
gel ver -- tagt," then only BassII has to sing "Ha -- la -- li!" and so on

How can I write this??

Additionally I have to write 3 strophes. At the moment the lyrics from
TenorI goes to the line of other staff (take a look at my example at the

How can I reach this??

Thanks a lot for your help!

\version "2.4.2"
#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column)

global = {
    \key g \major
    \time 3/4
    \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f

\header {
    title = ""
    composer = ""

verse = \lyricmode {
Heu -- te wird nicht Wacht -- tel und nicht Reb -- huhn ge -- jagt,
und die Jagd auf al -- le Vö -- gel ver -- tagt,

tenorI = {
    \tempo 4 = 132   
    \clef "G_8"
    \relative c' {
        \partial 8*2 {b8 c}         % Takt 1
        d8 c b a g a                % Takt 2
        b4 c d                      % Takt 3
        a4 r4 d8 d                  % Takt 4
        d2 \breathe a8 b            % Takt 5
        c4. d8 c b                 % Takt 6
        a4  g  a                   % Takt 7
        b2.~                       % Takt 8
        b4  r4 b8 b                % Takt 9
        a4. a8 d  d                % Takt 10
        e8 e fis4 e                % Takt 11
        d2.~                       % Takt 12
        d4 r4 d,8 d                % Takt 13
        g2 b8 b                    % Takt 14
        a2 d8 d                    % Takt 15
        b2.~                       % Takt 16
        b2 \breathe d,8 d          % Takt 17
        g2 b8 b                    % Takt 18
        a2 fis8 fis                % Takt 19
        g4 r4 g'8 g                % Takt 20
        g2                         % Takt 21
        \bar "|."

tenorII = {
    \clef "G_8"
    \relative c' {
        \partial 8*2 {b8 c}            % Takt 1
        d8 c b a g a                   % Takt 2
        b4 c d                         % Takt 3
        a2.~                           % Takt 4
        a2 \breathe fis8 g             % Takt 5
        a4. b8 a g                     % Takt 6
        d4 b d                         % Takt 7
        g2.~                           % Takt 8
        g4 r4 g8 g                     % Takt 9
        a4. a8 a a                     % Takt 10
        cis8 cis cis4 cis            % Takt 11
        a2.~                         % Takt 12
        a4 r4 d,8 d                  % Takt 13
        g2 b8 b                      % Takt 14
        a2 d8 d                      % Takt 15
        b4 r4 g8 g                  % Takt 16
        g2 \breathe d8 d            % Takt 17
        g2 b8 b                     % Takt 18
        a2 fis8 fis                 % Takt 19
        g4 r4 b8 b                  % Takt 20
        b2                          % Takt 21
        \bar "|."


bassI = {
    \clef bass
    \relative c' {
        \partial 8*2 {g8 a}            % Takt 1
        b8 a g d b d                   % Takt 2
        g4 a b                         % Takt 3
        d,4 r4 fis8 fis                % Takt 4
        fis2 \breathe a8 b             % Takt 5
        c4. d8 c b                     % Takt 6
        a4 g a                         % Takt 7
        b4 r4 d,8 d                    % Takt 8
        d4 r4 d8 e                     % Takt 9
        fis4. fis8 fis fis             % Takt 10
        g8 g a4 g                    % Takt 11
        fis2.~                       % Takt 12
        fis4 r4 d8 d                 % Takt 13
        g2 b8 b                      % Takt 14
        a2 d8 d                      % Takt 15
        b4 r4 d,8 d                 % Takt 16
        d2 \breathe d8 d            % Takt 17
        g2 b8 b                     % Takt 18
        a2 fis8 fis                 % Takt 19
        g2.~                        % Takt 20
        g2                          % Takt 21
        \bar "|."


bassII = {
    \clef bass
    \relative c' {
        \partial 8*2 {g8 a}            % Takt 1
        b8 a g d b d                   % Takt 2
        g4 a b                         % Takt 3
        d,2.~                          % Takt 4
        d2 \breathe fis8 g             % Takt 5
        a4. b8 a g                 % Takt 6
        d4 b d                     % Takt 7
        g4 r4 g,8 g                % Takt 8
        g4 r4 g8 g                 % Takt 9
        d'4. d8 d d                % Takt 10
        a8 a a4 a                 % Takt 11
        d4 r4 d8 d                % Takt 12
        d4 r4 d8 d                % Takt 13
        g2 b8 b                   % Takt 14
        a2 d8 d                   % Takt 15
        b4 r4 g,8 g                % Takt 16
        g2 \breathe d'8 d          % Takt 17
        g2 b8 b                    % Takt 18
        a2 fis8 fis                % Takt 19
        g4 r4 g,8 g                % Takt 20
        g2                         % Takt 21
        \bar "|."

tenIWords = \lyricmode {

tenIIWords =\lyricmode {

bassIWords = \lyricmode {

bassIIWords = \lyricmode {

\score {
    \context ChoirStaff <<
        \context Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
        \context Staff = women <<
            \context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne << \global \tenorI >> }
            \context Voice = altos { \voiceTwo << \global \tenorII >> }
        \context Lyrics = altos { s1 }
        \context Lyrics = tenors { s1 }
        \context Staff = men <<
            \clef bass
            \context Voice = tenors { \voiceOne <<\global \bassI >> }
            \context Voice = basses { \voiceTwo <<\global \bassII >> }
        \context Lyrics = basses { s1 }
        \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \tenIWords
        \context Lyrics = altos \lyricsto altos \tenIIWords
        \context Lyrics = tenors \lyricsto tenors \bassIWords
        \context Lyrics = basses \lyricsto basses \bassIIWords

    \layout {}

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

>Why not take a look at the example templates in the manual, especially
>the one for SATB vocal score should be very close to what you want.
>    /Mats
>Roman Käppeler wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> sorry I am too stupid to setup a Choir-Staff in which I have a 
>> "Tenor I" and "Tenor II" in one Line and a "Bass I" and "Bass II" 
>> in the other line. Beams in Tenor I/Bass I should be up and beams 
>> in Tenor II/BassII should be directed down. Both TenorI/II, 
>> BassI/II should have lyrics.
>> Does anyone have an example for this? I can't do this from the 
>> manual...

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