> On Jul 20, 2022, at 5:13 AM, Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am Mi., 20. Juli 2022 um 05:58 Uhr schrieb David F. <dav...@gmx.us>:
>> In 2.23, the rest markup command changed from taking a string to taking a
>> duration.
>> \version "2.22"
>> \markup \rest #"4.."
>> \version "2.23"
>> \markup \rest { 4.. }
>> It would be nice if this change were backward compatible, at least for a
>> version or two.
>> My primary Lilypond environment is v2.22.2-1 on macOS 10.14. This is the
>> environment I use for final “production” of scores. But I’ve been trying to
>> do as much development as possible in v2.23 on macOS 10.15.
>> Unfortunately, the change to the rest markup command makes going back and
>> forth quite cumbersome. Would be be possible to make this command take
>> either a string or duration?
>> David F.
> Well, going back and forth between 2.22.2 and new devel-version only
> works if you don't use devel-features and don't hit internal changes.
> That said, below a coding which makes \rest always take a duration,
> transforming it to a string for 2.22.
> Once you settled with 2.23. simply delete it.
> Disclaimer: it's all a bit clumsy, cheeky and not tested in the wild.
> \version "2.20.0"
> #(begin
> (define default-make-rest-markup make-rest-markup)
> (define-markup-command (rest layout props duration) (ly:duration?)
> (let ((version-arg
> (if (string<? "22" (second (string-split (lilypond-version) #\.)))
> duration
> (ly:duration->string duration))))
> (interpret-markup layout props
> (default-make-rest-markup version-arg)))))
> \markup \rest { 4.. }
> Cheers,
> Harm
Thanks Harm. That seems to do the trick!
David F.