I was just asking. It is possible to do open source to an agreed
roadmap, but that's not how it is for LilyPond, so now I know.
On 23/07/2022 4:42 pm, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Le 23/07/2022 à 08:11, Andrew Bernard a écrit :
I thought there may be a roadmap that contributors create? Or is
current development just more or less ad hoc?
Like most community-driven free software projects, LilyPond is
developed as a hobby by contributors who do that each for their
own reasons, as a loosely assembled team of people all around the
world. There is no manager. There isn't, can't be and shouldn't
be a precise roadmap. Each person works on what they have the
motivation for at a given point of time.
For large projects, it's often a good idea to discuss proposals
on the mailing list, but this is more to get approval and discuss
the big picture of a plan than anything else. Implementing the plan
remains contingent on the contributor who proposes it.
This is not a description of LilyPond's current development, but
of how LilyPond's and many software projects' development has
always worked. Would you imagine a roadmap for openLilyLib, for
example? You can't imagine what contributors are going to come
up with, and if you put a feature on your roadmap, is there
a way to get it implemented other than doing it yourself?