Kevin Cole <> writes:

> Hi,
> The subject line pretty much says it all (or most).
> Ideally, I'd like to be able to do something like:
> \header {
>   title = "<a href='...'>This is the title</a>"
> }
> and have Lilypond generate a PDF with the tile linking to wherever I point it/
> I'm hoping to avoid lots of Scheme, lilypond-book, TeX, etc, etc. that
> I don't understand. The cost / benefit isn't worth writing a whole lot
> of additional code to accomplish the linking. (The linking isn't
> critical enough to be worth a lot of time, and I can think of simpler,
> though less satisfactory solutions.)

>From the manual:

‘\with-url’ URL (string) ARG (markup)

     Add a link to URL URL around ARG.  This only works in the PDF

          \markup {
            \with-url #""; {
              LilyPond ... \italic {
                music notation for everyone

David Kastrup

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