Am Mo., 18. Juli 2022 um 11:16 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra <>:
> Le 17/07/2022 à 17:03, David Sumbler a écrit :
> > At the moment I am testing it on a short file - in fact, your
> > "grow-in-up-direction" example from the Extending Lilypond document.
> >  Compiling it is taking over 80 seconds each time; after the first
> > time, I would expect a file like this to take only 3 or 4 seconds.
> >  This is very unsatisfactory.
> I can't explain this without further info -- was the directory where
> you installed LilyPond clean before?
> See below though.
> > No, I have never used a distro version of Lilypond.  Until this time,
> > I have always used a script downloaded from the Lilypond website.  I
> > install Lilypond globally (although I am the only user of this
> > computer), and the script chooses to put things where they now are.  I
> > always thought /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/ was an odd
> > place to put it, but that wasn't my choice.
> >
> > When I moved 2.23.10 from my home folder, I intentionally put it in
> > the same place as previous versions have been on my previous Ubuntu
> > installations, hoping this would increase the chances of it actually
> > working.  On this current OS version, I have not actually had any
> > previous versions of Lilypond, which is why I needed to install it
> > again now.
> >
> > In my .emacs file I have:
> >
> > ;;for Lilypond mode
> > (setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name
> > "/usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp")) load-path))
> > (autoload 'LilyPond-mode "lilypond-mode" "LilyPond Editing Mode" t)
> > (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ly$" . LilyPond-mode))
> > (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ily$" . LilyPond-mode))
> >
> > So yes, clearly Lilypond mode is working now because I have installed
> > Lilypond where the .sh script would have put it.  I can also see that
> > I can easily work round this by editing my .emacs file, if I decide to
> > put Lilypond somewhere else (e.g. my home folder).
> >
> > Is it the intention that the next "stable" version of Lilypond will be
> > packaged in this new way?  Will the shell script be done away with
> > there too?
> >
> > Even if not, what are the perceived advantages of this change for the
> > development versions, at least?
> Yes, all new versions of LilyPond will use this packaging. Getting
> rid of the .sh script was not the only change; it was actually a
> wholesale switch to a new compilation system, which is now 100×
> simpler and more reliable, and now creates static binaries. Before,
> a .sh installer was required, because once installed the binaries
> couldn't be moved around. Now that they can, it is just unnecessary.
> Not having a .sh installer has other advantages, too. It avoids
> conflicts with distro packages. It makes the installation process
> exactly the same across all OSes. It prevents people from shooting
> themselves in the foot by not realizing that several versions of
> LilyPond can be installed in parallel.
> I think you are overcomplicating things by trying to mimic
> the previous installation process with the new binaries.
> Changing /usr/local/ is normally done by package managers
> and dedicated tools, not by hand. If you don't know what
> you're doing there, don't touch it. (This kind of advice applies
> to any command using sudo, actually.)
> Instead, follow these simple steps. (I agree that _finding_ them
> is not simple, but again it will eventually be in the learning
> manual, with screenshots. That change has landed and will appear
> in the next release.)
> 1. Download the archive.
> 2. Unpack it.
> 3. Move the lilypond-2.23.10 directory inside it in your
>     home folder.
> 4. In your .emacs, change the path in (expand-file-name ...)
>     to "~/lilypond-2.23.10/share/emacs/site-lisp".
> And that's all.

I take the liberty to add my 2 cts.

It's a great advantage having dropped GUB (which produced the
installers) it was a maintaining nightmare.

Though, I miss the installer, too.
The installer put several scripts in my bin-folder pointing to entries
of /lilypond/bin (I'm on Linux, lilypond 2.23.9 for now):
abc2ly  convert-ly  etf2ly  lilypond  lilymidi  lilypond-book
lilypond-invoke-editor  lilysong  midi2ly  musicxml2ly
They worked out of the box.

With current archive I need to care myself, i.e. invoking above with
correct pathes or creating scripts myself.

>From a users point of view, it's more work.

So, I understand both sides ....


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