Thanks David & Jean, both approaches work well and look good. The original 
indications were left aligned to the note so the alignment adjustment isn't 
needed in this case. I have no idea if one of these is technically superior to 
the other, although I suspect the fact I need both sub.P and sub.PP means less 
code with David's approach.

I wonder if this could be added to the snippet examples about defining new 
dynamics? I don't think I would have stood any chance of finding either 
solution without your help, and I suspect I'm not the only one who might need 



> On 17 Jul 2022, at 18:06, David Kastrup <> wrote:
> Jean Abou Samra < <>> writes:
>> Le 17/07/2022 à 10:11, Benjamin Tordoff a écrit :
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm typesetting a score that uses "subito p" and "subito pp" in a couple of 
>>> places. I've found snippets explaining how to get this to look right 
>>> (subito in normal italics, the "p" or "pp" in dynamic font), and another 
>>> snippet showing how to create a custom dynamic that correctly sets the midi 
>>> volume, but not one that does both. What is the best way to add a text 
>>> prefix to a dynamic whilst also retaining the dynamic's effect on MIDI 
>>> output?
>>> \version "2.23.10"
>>> subPP = \markup{ \italic{sub.} \dynamic pp }
>>> \score {
>>>   {
>>>     c'2-\ff c'2-\subPP % Volume should be pp but is still ff
>>>   }
>>>   \layout {}
>>>   \midi {}
>>> }
>> How about something like this:
>> \version "2.22.2"
>> subPPMarkup = \markup { \normal-text \italic { sub. } pp }
>> subPP = #(make-dynamic-script subPPMarkup)
>> \midi {
>>   \context {
>>     \Score
>>     dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction =
>>       #(lambda (dyn)
>>          (if (equal? dyn subPPMarkup)
>>              0.3
>>              (default-dynamic-absolute-volume dyn)))
>>   }
>> }
> It may be more convenient to just tamper with the visuals of a command,
> like
> \version "2.22.2"
> subx = #(define-event-function (fun) (ly:event?)
>        #{ -\tweak stencil #(lambda (g)
>                              (grob-interpret-markup g
>                               #{ \markup \concat { \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) 
> #'(0 . 0)
>                                                     \right-align
>                                                    \normal-text \italic "sub. 
> "
>                                                    #(ly:grob-property g 
> 'text) }
>                               #}))
>           #fun #})
> subPP = \subx \pp
> \score {
>  {
>    c'8\pppp\< d'8 e'8 f'8 g'8 a'8 b'8 c''8 |
>    c''8\fffff b'8 a'8 g'8 f'8\subPP e'8 d'8 c'8 }
>  \layout { }
>  \midi { }
> }
> Note that I put in some effort to stop "sub." from changing the
> alignment.  If that's undesired, removing
>    \with-dimension #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
> should do the trick.
> -- 
> David Kastrup

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