This looks great! Just what I'd needed a couple of years back when I was still 
I've only just started with it, but there are a few niggling comments about the 
English version. I've only got to page 2 (getting started) so far.
* On my browser (Firefox in Windows) the 'v. latest' is too close to the bottom 
of the main frame, and I can't click on the 'previous/next/index' without very 
careful manipulation of the slider. Can it be moved up a cm or so?
* On page 1 (Why Scheme?) it's slightly better English to say 'There is no 
single implementation of Scheme'
* On page 2 (Getting started) the comment about testing under Windows is not 
translated into English! I suggest 'I am unable to test these commands under 
Windows. If they do not work, write to the list.'
* Again on page 2, the commands don't work! You forgot to add the 'lilypond'.
C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin>lilypond scheme-sandbox works fine on 
my machine.
* On page 2 'Literals' the comment about decimal numbers isn't translated. I'm 
not sure about the best translation of 'nombres décimaux'. Personally I'd use 
'floating-point numbers' on the grounds that all numbers, including integers, 
are decimal.
* The comment 'and a few others' about the characters allowed in variable names 
is rather annoying. How does a user know what to expect if they use a forbidden 
character? A list would be really useful.
When I read further down I may have more comments....
Best regards,

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