Hi Jean,

thank you very much for the tutorial and its translation to English. I went through and 
it seems perfect for all of us coming from the world of "imperative" languages. 
You have a precious gift to explain convoluted things in a straightforward way.


Dne 12. 07. 22 v 1:28 Jean Abou Samra napsal(a):

Last year, after I delivered a presentation on Scheme at a
French-speaking virtual meeting of LilyPond users, I was asked
if I could write that down in tutorial form, which I did as
https://tutoriel-scheme.readthedocs.io. Over the past few days,
I've set some time apart to translate that into English.
The English version can be found here:


The translation is a bit unpolished at the moment, and I didn't
proofread it yet; I indent to do that later.

I hope this can help some people on their way to learning Scheme
and LilyPond's inner workings. If you have feedback, feel free
to drop me an email.



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