Hi! I've been trying to add an ossia to an existing guitar part with the tabulature. However, I run into this issue that the ossia gets doubled as long as the tab part is uncommented. As soon as I don't use the tab staff, everything is fine. I guess it's all because of my /score block, but I can't figure it out. The ossia itself doesn't have to have its own tab, but if, as an extra, someone could make it happen, I would be happy, too. MWEs:a) Minimal reproducible example included as an attachementb) https://www.hacklily.org/?edit=Aelfstone/sheet-music/ossia_issue_mwe.lyc) The code itself
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.23.10" gtrOne = { d'1~ d'1 \break << { f'1 } \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext = "gtrOne" } { c''1 } >> g'1} \score { << \new Staff = "gtrOne" \with { } { \gtrOne } \new TabStaff { \gtrOne } >> \layout { \context { } }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\version "2.23.10" gtrOne = { d'1~ d'1 \break << { f'1 } \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext = "gtrOne" } { c''1 } >> g'1 } \score { << \new Staff = "gtrOne" \with { } { \gtrOne } \new TabStaff { \gtrOne } >> \layout { \context { } } }