Hello Michael,

you’re not exactly wrong there. In recent versions is has become possible to 
put the \alternative inside the reapeat block, which allows having 
alternatives in other parts than the end, and after all one might say that 
this is in fact a more sane way to do it. But for Lilypond still supports the 
older way of doing things for reasons of not breaking old scores.

This then leads to some ambiguity in sytax, as we have in your case. It is not 
inherently clear if that \alternative block belongs to the inner repeat or to 
the outer repeat. The current way is consistent with the older behaviour, but 
maybe not what you’d expect to get.


Am Freitag, 1. Juli 2022, 12:16:40 CEST schrieb Michael Gerdau:
> > this is not a bug. You’re supposed to put the alternative after the repeat
> > part not inside, so \repeat volta 2 { ... } \alternative { ... }. The way
> > you have put it the \alternative ... is used as alternatives for the
> > \repeat unfold (as it is placed after that one), so after the first
> > repeat you get the first alternative, after the second repeat the second
> > alternative, which is exactly what you are seeing here.
> Thanks for the explanation.
> Apparently I misread the documentation.
> Kind regards,
> Michael

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