Thank you, Jacques! That does help.
I work with this system, that creates both printable online files and
downloadable xml files, but lately I have been having formatting issues...
I wish we used something other than MuseScore! (Lilypond is used for a
different part of the project!);

On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 4:44 PM Jacques Menu <> wrote:

> Hello Kira,
> I’ve looked at the two files you posted, and the MusicXML export is
> actually not reflecting the exact layout of the original.Converting it to
> LilyPond with xml2ly gives the same layout as when the exported file is
> re-imported in Musecore.
> This is a difficult issue at any rate, to be submitted to the MuseScore
> team at
> HTH!
> JM
> > Le 30 juin 2022 à 18:50, Kira Garvie <> a écrit :
> >
> > Hey all,
> > I know this is a bit off-topic but it's on-topic for me... also I don't
> know who else to ask, the muse-score forums aren't very helpful.
> > I use Lilypond, Musescore, and musicxml files for my work. Please, no
> comments on the quality of Musescore, the decision to use it was above my
> paygrade. I am having issues exporting an xml file and having it keep its
> formatting. Is there anyone who has experience with this and can help me
> off the list? Or should I just can it and keep googling stuff until I
> stumble on an answer?
> > Here are the files.
> > Thank you!
> > <SSS2019-13.musicxml><SSS2019-13.mscz>

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