On 2022-06-22 12:19 pm, Ahanu Banerjee wrote:
I am trying to create noteheads (without stems) that have a duration
than a quarter note (crotchet) but are filled-in. They are meant to
represent the notes that will be heard when a harmonic is played. I am
sure how to do this; one workaround is to use a quarter note value and
spacer rest, but this results in too much empty space. I tried
NoteHead.glyph-name = #'"noteheads.s2", but that did not work.
Example below (the notes are arbitrary):
\version "2.23.7"
\relative c''
{ << { \override Parentheses.font-size = #-1.5 \omit Flag \omit Stem
\teeny \tweak X-offset #0.2
%% the higher voice should have filled-in noteheads
<\parenthesize d \parenthesize f>2 } \\
{ <d,\harmonic g\harmonic>2 } >> <d g> }
You can scale the duration of any note so as to preserve its normal
appearance but take up the required length:
\fixed c' { b4*2 a | b4*3 a4 | b4*4 | a1 }
-- Aaron Hill