Hello list, #(layout-set-staff-size) seems to mess with vertical positioning for r\longa, r\breve and multimeasure rests. Please see the attached not-quite-minimal code sample.
If I adjust the score (book) size via #(set-global-staff-size) instead, everything works as expected. In case I'm missing something obvious, I just wanted to check in here before submitting this as a bug. -------------------------------- On a related note, the two different methods of changing the staff size yield different horizontal spacing. How can I avoid this? I'm preparing a single book with scores ranging from six parts to over twenty, so I need to alter this on the score level and the results aren't ideal.
\version "2.23.9" %#(set-global-staff-size 12) notes = \relative d' { \time 2/2 R1*7 r2 d2 f4 e d2 } incipitNotes = \relative c' { \time 2/2 r\longa \override Rest.staff-position = #-2 r\breve \override Rest.staff-position = #-4 r1 r2 d2 f4 e d2 } \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "" } { \incipit { \cadenzaOn \incipitNotes } \compressMMRests \notes } \layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 12) indent = #44 incipit-width = #40 } }