On Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 7:49 AM Steven A. Falco <stevenfa...@gmail.com>

> I have entered the attached music.  So far, I have not been able to get
> the clef or time signature to print on the first measure.


The reason you cannot get the clef or the time signature to print on the
first measure is because you have removed the Time_signature_engraver from
your Staff and TabStaff contexts and you have set firstClef to #f, which
tells LilyPond not to print the first clef.

May I suggest that you take out all of the overrides, etc. from the various
parts, and just have the notes for the various parts.  Then, when you
combine the notes into a score, you put all of the overrides into the score

Also, may I suggest that in the chords you use \repeat unfold  and set
chordChanges = ##t.

You have some timing errors in your code.  You have eliminated bar checks
in the lyrics.  That is a dangerous practice.  Keep the bar checks in and
use the lyric durations as appropriate.

I've attached a partially reworked file to show what I'm thinking of.  it's
not right yet because of the bar check errors, but it show how I would do




> I can get the clef in the middle of the first measure by adding "\set
> Staff.forceClef = ##t" right after the first grace note in the
> "intro_part", but that doesn't work if I put it in front of the first grace
> note.
> Also, I have not been able to get the time signature to print.
> I'm guessing this is because of the way I'm including the "intro_part",
> but I'm not sure how else to include it.
> I also had to add a rest at line 68, because otherwise, the "outro_part"
> starts inside the repeat of the "melody_part".
> If anyone can suggest a better way to structure this, I'd appreciate it.
>         Thanks,
>         Steve

Attachment: memphis.ly
Description: Binary data

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