>> * Contrary to Valentin's solution, the first 'a 2' text is not
>>   left-aligned to the left edge of the note head.  This is
>>   especially visible with whole notes (see attached image).  [...]
> See the attached file, fixing that problem and making it per-voice.

Thanks, will test soon in more detail.

>> * `\tweak` doesn't work right before `\set Staff.staffAnnotation`.
>>    Instead, I have to use `\once \override`, AFAICS.
> It actually never makes sense to \tweak a \set.  [...]

Thanks for the explanation.

>>    Hopefully, I'm missing something.  Otherwise both Valentin's and
>>    Jeans' solutions are heavily limited because it happens quite
>>    often that the 'a 2' string must be positioned individually
>>    without affecting other rehearsal marks – or text spanners.
> What do you mean by 'positioned individually'?  Can you give an
> example?

[Referring to your latest code version]

Let's assume that I could adjust `bound-details` of the `TextSpanner`
grob created by `\annotation` (which is not possible).  If an ordinary
text spanner starts at the same time, overrides like

\once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.padding = -2
\annotation "2."

would affect both spanners because they start at the same moment.
BTW, it would be very helpful if `padding` actually moved the 'a 2'
text horizontally...

> This question also still stands:
>>> Very nice, thanks!  Besides the (hopefully) harmless warning
>>> ```
>>> programming error: Spanner `TextSpanner' is not fully contained
>>>                    in parent spanner.  Ignoring orphaned part
>>> continuing, cross fingers
>>> ```
>>> it seems to work fine.
>>>      Werner
>> Can you give an example where it occurs?

I haven't found the time yet to reduce the code of my real-world
example to do that.


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