Greetings -

I have a fairly unique problem, I think/hope.

I recently had to have my laptop completely re-setup with Ubuntu 22.04. The
outfit that did it renamed my "Home" from rpalmer to ralph. They also
managed to get rid of all my data and program files. I was able to do a
full restore from my backup disk, but I couldn't get Frescobaldi or
LilyPond to work.

I have installed Frescobaldi 3.2 and LilyPond 2.23.9. Frescobaldi seems to
load correctly, and I can view a saved LilyPond file. However, when I try
to compile, I get the following message :

Starting lilypond 2.23.6 [] . . .
/home/ralph/bin/lilypond: 4: exec: /home/ralph/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond:
not found
Exited with return code 127.

When I run "lilypond" from the terminal, I get the same message (see the
attached screen shot). I think I used to make adjustments to PATH:, but I
can't even find PATH.

Should I try a complete uninstall of LilyPond and Frescobaldi and start
from scratch?

I appreciate any help and/or advice you can give.

All the best,


Ralph Palmer
(he, him, his)

Attachment: lilypondFromTerminal.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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