I'm wondering if we need 340 lines of Scheme code or if we could / why
we can't use the TrillSpanner and just eliminate the "tr" prefix and
leave the wiggy line, something based on (but not working since I don't
understand Scheme lists thoroughly):

\relative c'' {
  \once \override TrillSpanner.bound-details = '((left (text
#<procedure musicglyph-markup (layout props glyph-name)>
        (stencil-offset -0.5 . -1)
        (padding . 0.5)
        (attach-dir . 0))
        (left-broken (end-on-note . #t))

  e8\startTrillSpan e c c s\stopTrillSpan

... and simply replacing "scripts.trill" with an empty string or
void/null ...

Am 13.05.2022 um 09:37 schrieb Richard Shann:
On Fri, 2022-05-13 at 09:12 +0200, Mario Bolognani wrote:
Any idea on how to obtain this kind of expressive marks?
There is a thread about this which I was involved in, the code that
resulted is here in Denemo's source LilyPond files:

from where you can pick it up and use it in raw LilyPond scores.

Richard Shann

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