Le 11/05/2022 à 03:52, Mark Probert a écrit :
Hi. I'm wanting the hairpin to terminate at the end of the whole note, yet this is not what is happening (it only appears under the 8th note). What is the correct way to make go the full duration? TIA .. mark. --- \version "2.22" tune = \relative c'' { \clef treble r2 r4 f8 a\<~ | a1\! | } \score { << \new Staff \tune >> }
Use this override: \version "2.22" tune = \relative c'' { \override Hairpin.to-barline = ##f \clef treble r2 r4 f8 a\<~ | a1\! | } \score { << \new Staff \tune >> } Looking at https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/notation/lilypond-index.html#lilypond-index_cp_letter-H will redirect you to a snippet demonstrating that ("Setting hairpin behavior at bar lines"). Best, Jean