I used this extensively (in Stravinsky and whatnot).

artificialHarmonic = #(define-music-function
                       (stopped touched result duration)
                       (ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:pitch? ly:duration?)
                         $touched \harmonic>$duration
                         \tweak NoteHead.font-size -6
                         \tweak Stem.stencil f
                         \tweak Beam.stencil f
                         \tweak Flag.stencil f
                         $result \harmonic

used as :
\artificialHarmonic ds,, fs as''1.

It works for me but is not quite perfect. For one, I would love for it
to generate only the midi for the $resulting note and not the whole
chord (which is musically totally irrelevant).

Hope it helps
Pierre-Luc Gauthier

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