have a look at https://github.com/nsceaux/nenuvar
if it comes to really large and complex scores

Am Mi., 20. Apr. 2022 um 01:20 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra <

> Hi there,
> By any chance, would anybody have a very large score to hand (say,
> something taking more than two minutes to compile at least), preferably
> running under current versions, or under not too old versions? In
> particular, I am testing a change that is mostly relevant for large
> \score blocks, so a succession of lots of reasonably-sized \score-s
> is not what I am looking for: rather I would prefer one single huge
> \score. I know, I can take an existing \score and \repeat unfold 100
> it, but I am still interested in comparing with real-world cases. So
> this is not a very important request, as I can likely achieve it
> with what I already have: it would just save me time if it's only
> a matter of sending it for someone.
> Thanks!
> Jean

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