Probably by doing a voicing like the example in the link you send new Voice \relative { << { d''1^\trill_( } { s2 s4. \grace { c16 d } } >> c1) }
But with a \slashedGrace new Voice \relative { << { d''1^\trill } { s2 s4. \slashedGrace { d8-( } } >> c1) } Hope it helps On Fri, 22 Apr 2022, 00:48 Stephan Schöll, <> wrote: > Hi > > I would like to obtain kind of a mix of > > \relative c' { \afterGrace <cis e>1 d8 <fis, d'>1 } > > and > > \relative c' { <cis e>1 \slashedGrace d8 <fis, d'>1 } > > How do I get a slashed grace note *before* the beat / bar line in a > handy way? > > The source I have consulted up to now: > > > > Needed for: > Max Reger, Lose Blätter Op. 13, 12. Choral, bar 23 > ( > > , > page 14) > > Thanks in advance for any suggestions! > > Best regards > Stephan > >