I'm reproducing a part where my instrument has a whole measure rest with a fermata, while another one goes off and has a miniature cadenza. There are some cue notes at the end of the measure that I want to write out.
I'm having two problems: * The duration of the cue notes is longer than an in-time measure. This may not actually be a problem -- I can solve it with \grace. But that's the only way I know to solve it, and I'm not sure if that's the best way. (This is why my examples links don't use a CueVoice, because \grace already makes notes smaller.) * The bigger problem is I want the notes shoved up against the right side of the measure. I made a terrible mockup in an MS Paint analogue of the kind of thing I want, https://imgur.com/a/tTbZAzs * As a bonus problem, my \fermata doesn't show up. Though I've solved this reasonably easily by putting <>\fermata before the rest then \tweaking it into place. Is there a better way? (See lilybin.com/d4elal/28) The second of these is the biggest. If I put a full measure of spacer notes, then it adds a bar before the grace notes; http://lilybin.com/d4elal/30. But even if I fill out *almost* the whole measure with spacers, the cue notes just overlap the rest; http://lilybin.com/d4elal/33. Any suggestions for how to get what I'm after here? Evan