Le 15/04/2022 à 20:03, Thomas Morley a écrit :
My concern at first glance was for the right side: Only the last
broken spanner should use right, all the others right-broken.

Yup, that's the meaning of the C++ code

  Lily::Variable checker = ((dir == LEFT)
                            ? Lily::unbroken_or_first_broken_spanner_p
                            : Lily::unbroken_or_last_broken_spanner_p);
  if (!from_scm<bool> (checker (smob)))

which in Scheme would be spelt

  (let ((checker (if (eqv? dir LEFT)
    (if (not (checker grob))

Though, I've tested it now, doing a full regtest-comparison with your
patch on top of my own (patch attached).
All works nicely, afaict.

Thanks. I'll review this on GitLab.

Now, how should we upload our work?
I.e. in which sequence and who does it?
I'd volunteer to upload both, although I'm not sure how gitlab deals
with patches from different authors in one MR (or doing it

Mine is a minor fix supporting yours which is the main part, so
I'd suggest that you upload them both. As long as you push on
a branch on the shared repository (not a GitLab fork, as I usually
do), I will be able to address review comments on that minor
preliminary patch, should they arise.


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