I think there might be a more beautiful solutions to your whole situation, but 
I’m too tired to figure it out right now, so:

You can change the arpeggio’s Y-extent to prevent it from pushing away the 
other staff. 

\version "2.22.2"

rightHand = {

leftHand = \relative {
 \clef bass
     \slashedGrace {
       \tweak positions #'(-4.5 . 7)
       \tweak extra-spacing-width #'(-1 . 0)
       \tweak X-offset -1
       \tweak Y-extent #'(-4.5 . 2)
     <e gis>2
     <cis, gis'>2

\new PianoStaff <<
 \new Staff \rightHand
 \new Staff \leftHand


> 14 apr. 2022 kl. 23:06 skrev Knute Snortum <ksnor...@gmail.com>:
> I am having trouble with arpeggios and grace notes again.  In this
> situation, I have a cross-staff arpeggio of a chord with a grace note
> (see attachment).  LilyPond's default is to put the arpeggio and grace
> note on top of each other.  Jean taught me the trick of putting the
> arpeggio on the grace note and adjusting the arpeggio's length and
> position from there, like this:
> %%%
> \version "2.22.2"
> rightHand = {
>  e'2
> }
> leftHand = \relative {
>  \clef bass
>  <<
>    {
>      \slashedGrace {
>        e8
>        \tweak positions #'(-4.5 . 5)
>        \tweak extra-spacing-width #'(-1 . 0)
>        \tweak X-offset -1
>        \arpeggio
>      }
>      <e gis>2
>    }
>    \\
>    {
>      <cis, gis'>2
>    }
> }
> \new PianoStaff <<
>  \new Staff \rightHand
>  \new Staff \leftHand
> %%%
> This almost produces what I want.  The problem is I can't get the
> arpeggio to cross into the upper staff.  If you make the arpeggio
> higher than a certain amount (that is, \tweak positions #'(-4.5 . 5)
> with a cdr of more than 5 or so) the upper staff shies away from the
> arpeggio.
> Any help getting the arpeggio past the lower part of the upper staff
> will be appreciated.
> --
> Knute Snortum

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