Op 29-03-2022 om 18:55 schreef Carl Sorensen:
Hi Jogchum,
You have created two new Lyrics contexts. Each Lyrics context gets
its own horizontal line (think of it kind of like a staff). So if you
want things to be in line, you need to make them part of the same
lyrics context.
I'm not sure exactly what you are after. I don't know if the bass2
notes are supposed to be for the second time through the repeat, and
the alternate words go with the 3rd stanza, or do you want both bass1
and bass2 to be part of the second stanza?
If I knew what you were after, I could help you.
Hi Carl,
The bass 2 and bar3 notes are not are not meant to be a division between
the two repetitions; in both repetitions it is a split bass, lines
sounding simultaneously.
But inspired by your remarks, I associated the lyrics in these bars :
- for the first repetition to bass1 (like the rest of the bass-lyrics),
- for the second repetition to bass 3
Now the text is not doubled anymore.
Bur the dynamic signs keep getting doubled...
It's not a big issue, this is not for publication, just for my own choir.
So please don't spend too much time on it. But as an "academic" question
I'm curious how this can be solved...
Thanks for your answer!
regards, Jogchum
P.S. I'll respond to David Wright in a separate message.
r << \new Voice% = "bass2"
{ << { \voiceOne
fis1~\!( ^\p
fis4 d)^\< e2\!
\new Voice = "bass3"
{ \voiceTwo
fis( b4 gis
a2) a
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass1"
{ den Düf -- ten }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass3"
{ nun gu -- te }