Am 30.03.2022 um 18:32 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 10:09 AM K. Blum <> wrote:

    Am 30.03.2022 um 17:59 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

    But when I look at the code in OOoLilyPond/LilyPond.xba
    I see that

     1. There is a way to check the LilyPond version
     2. The code already modifies include statements to add an
        appropriate path
     3. The code builds the command used to call lilypond

    Yes, that's true.

    As long as a modification of *how LilyPond is called on the
    command line* is sufficient, there is no problem at all.
    Would that be possible?

I don't know.  But the problem identified in the issue is related to
adding a new lilypond option (-dlilypondbookoutput), which I assume
lilypond-book calls but OOoLilyPond does not.  If I were trying to
solve this problem, that's where I would look to start.  I suspect
that the new option should be included when calling lilypond.

But I have no experience with using OOoLilyPond, so I don't know this
for sure.

    From what I read in Jean's response and on the GitLab issue page,
    I get the impression that it would be necessary to change the
    content of the *.ly files themselves. Is that correct?

I think that is not true.  Han-Wen said that the scheme code needed
for compatibility with previous versions was two ly:set-option calls. 
And ly:set-option calls are available from the command line: (See the
Usage Manual)



Hi Carl,

thanks a lot, that sounds like really good news.
I'm short in time right now, but I'll check that out and report back here.


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