Hello Ponders! Recently I’ve created a small function to invert chords to match Fretboard Diagrams, which I’d like to share with you all.
Cheers, Valentin
#(define (normalize pitch) (if (>= (ly:pitch-alteration pitch) 1) (normalize (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 1 -1))) (if (<= (ly:pitch-alteration pitch) -1) (normalize (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 -1 1/2))) pitch))) #(define (semitones->pitch st chord) (if (null? chord) (normalize (ly:make-pitch 0 0 (/ st 2))) (if (eqv? 0 (modulo (- st (ly:pitch-semitones (car chord))) 12)) (let* ((ref-pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 (ly:pitch-notename (car chord)) (ly:pitch-alteration (car chord)))) (ref-st (ly:pitch-semitones ref-pitch)) (st-diff (- st ref-st))) (ly:make-pitch (/ st-diff 12) (ly:pitch-notename (car chord)) (ly:pitch-alteration (car chord)))) (semitones->pitch st (cdr chord))))) #(define (defn-to-frets defn) (if (null? defn) defn (let ((string (cadar defn)) (fret (cond ((eqv? (caar defn) 'open) 0) ((eqv? (caar defn) 'place-fret) (caddar defn)) (else #f)))) (if fret (cons (cons string fret) (defn-to-frets (cdr defn))) (defn-to-frets (cdr defn)))))) translateToChords = #(define-music-function (fretboard-table tuning music) (hash-table? list? ly:music?) (define (iter music) (let ((elts (ly:music-property music 'elements)) (elt (ly:music-property music 'element))) (if (music-is-of-type? music 'event-chord) (let* ((pitches (event-chord-pitches music)) (hash-key (cons tuning pitches)) (defn (hash-ref fretboard-table hash-key #f)) (dparts (if defn (defn-to-frets defn))) (notes (event-chord-notes music)) (dur (if (not (null? notes)) (ly:music-property (car notes) 'duration)))) (if defn (let* ((notes (map (lambda (def) (let* ((sno (car def)) (rpi (list-ref tuning (1- sno))) (fret-no (cdr def)) (root-st (ly:pitch-semitones rpi)) (pitch (semitones->pitch (+ root-st fret-no) pitches))) (if (< fret-no 0) #f (make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch pitch 'duration dur 'articulations (list (make-music 'StringNumberEvent 'string-number sno 'tweaks '((stencil . #f)))))))) dparts))) (ly:music-set-property! music 'elements (filter (lambda (x) x) notes))))) (begin (if (not (null? elt)) (iter elt)) (for-each iter elts))))) (iter music) music) \include "predefined-ukulele-fretboards.ly" chordmusic = \relative { \chordmode { g4 c a:m f } } << \new ChordNames { \chordmusic } \new FretBoards \with { stringTunings = #ukulele-tuning } { \chordmusic } \new Staff { \translateToChords #default-fret-table #ukulele-tuning \chordmusic } \new TabStaff \with { stringTunings = #ukulele-tuning } { \translateToChords #default-fret-table #ukulele-tuning \chordmusic } >>
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