Hi Mario,

please always include the list as well.

Sorry Michael for my ignorance, but what is the meaning of the acronym MWE?

MWE == Minimum Working Example

It means a piece of code as short as possible that just shows the faulty or suspicious behaviour.

That greatly helps others to help you because they see and understand what you do and possibly what is wrong.

Another side effect is that while creating the MWE you often come to a point where it starts to work which will give you a hint as to what was wrong in the first place.

In any case the performance of Monteverdi’s “Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda” 
in 3/1 uses something like \breve. = 70… 80, but my impression is that \tempo \breve 
= “something" is not a valid construct.

I don't know the music you are typesetting but I have successfully used either of the following:
\tempo \breve. = 100
\tempo \breve. = 200
\tempo \breve. = 300
and they resulted in different speed upon playback.

That's what I wrote in my previous email. When it does not work for you, then there may be something else that's wrong with your code but w/o knowing what you do nobody can tell for sure.

Kind regards,

 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

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