Le 17/03/2022 à 23:22, Matthew Fong a écrit :
Hello Jean,
I only want the bar lines interstaff at the double bar, and not at
every measure. The purpose is this helps better visually mark the end
of a phrase.
I'm also trying to avoid Mensurstriche layout, since the choir doesn't
seem to like it very much.
Many thanks,
Ah, sorry, I misread completely. You could do
\version "2.22.2"
\layout {
\context {
\consists Span_bar_engraver
\override BarLine.allow-span-bar = ##f
spanBarHere = \once \override ChoirStaff.BarLine.allow-span-bar = ##t
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff { 1 1 \spanBarHere \bar "||" 1 }
\new Staff { 1 1 1 }