Jean Abou Samra <> writes:

> Le 11/03/2022 à 12:38, Paul Hodges a écrit :
>> Perfect - Thank you!  I'd never have thought of looking there....
> Where did you look? As this question comes up fairly frequently, I'd
> like to know if there is a better structure we can give to the manual
> on this topic to help people find their way.

I am not sure this is entirely a manual problem.  Left and right
semities are really close relatives while \laissezVibrer and \repeatTie
are completely different concepts and contexts and are essentially prime
examples of the use of semities, but not really fundamentally defining
what they actually are, and if you have need for both, their utterly
different naming and manual location essentially doubles the search work
to figure out how to use them.

David Kastrup

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