On Sun 27 Feb 2022 at 14:16:32 (+0100), Bophead 2000 wrote: > > > I want to produce lilypond snippets to be used within a text – but only in > > > one graphics file format (PDF, EPS or SVG). In the moment I am using a > > > method I copied from the examples in the HTML-manuals putting the > > > following in front of the music: > > > > > > \include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly <http://lilypond-book-preamble.ly>"
[ … ] > > > So far everything is working but what annoys me are all those files that I > > > don’t need: tex, texi etc. (I am not using LaTeX) cluttering my folders. > > > (Don’t get me wrong – those files may be useful and necessary if using > > > LaTeX, but I am using ConTeXt so I have no use for them.) > > > > > > So my question is: > > > > > > What is the simplest way to get snippets cut down to only content as only > > > one file – be it PDF, EPS or SVG? > Back to pure Lilypond: > > Nonetheless I would still like to know if there is a way to render a > snippet cut to its pure musical content in only one file format. Me and > others might have a use for such snippets as graphics for other programs as > well that do not integrate Lilypond as well as ConTeXt. > > (From ConTeXt I am used to “--purgeall” to get rid of all the auxiliary > files. But something like that doesn’t seem to to exist for Lilypond as > there is an intention behind all those files). Hraban, as a ConTeXt user, may have more idea of your workflow. My scripts merely remove the excess files, using constructs like "${Sourcefilename/%.ly/.log}" to generate their names. (Actually they don't remove the files, but move them to a nonce directory under /tmp, so that they could be inspected if required. /tmp is cleaned automatically.) Cheers, David.