Le 20/02/2022 à 15:26, Jeremiah Reilly a écrit :
I have a problem which I cannot figure out.
Lilypond has a built-in function to engrave guitar fingerings in a score.
The function works just fine, but is long and cumbersome to type, for
\rightHandFinger #2 /(#2 = i = index finger)/
which fingers the attached note with the index finger label 'i'.
I was able to follow the manual and create a shorthand for this function:
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
which works just fine, as illustrated with the following code (see
attached score):
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Example"
\relative c'
\clef "treble_8"
\key f \major
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
a4\RH #2 c\RH #3 d\RH #2 e\RH #3 \bar "|." |
The code "\RH #2" is still more than I want to type.
I want to create a fingering-function for the index finger as follows:
\RHi (and similarly for all the fingerings i, m, a, and p).
Can this be done? Am I missing a concept here? I tried:
#(define RHi rightHandFinger #2)
but this did not work.
The LilyPond syntax for applying a command is
\command arg1 arg2
In Schemeland, it doesn't work this way: you call functions.
The syntax for a call is
(function arg1 arg2)
Note the parentheses around the expression. LilyPond's
music functions happen to be callable as Scheme functions
too, so you should do
#(define RHi (rightHandFinger 2))
or, probably simpler:
RHi = \rightHandFinger 2
So why doesn't "RH = \rightHandFinger" work? Because \rightHandFinger
alone isn't a complete value, it's a command that expects further
arguments after it. However, you can use the syntax \etc to "cut"
the argument list and get a new function. Thus,
RH = \rightHandFinger \etc
is (for usual purposes) equivalent to
#(define RH rightHandFinger)