> Le 17/02/2022 18:09, Paul Scott <waterho...@ultrasw.com> a écrit :
> 2.23.6
> I have been using the following definition for many years:
> CircleNumberMark = {
> \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-circle-numbers
> }
> I now get:
> warning: cannot find property type-check for `markFormatter'
> (translation-type?). perhaps a typing error?
> from one score where I may have made an unknown change but also from a
> score which hasn't changed
> I have looked at the 2,23,6 changes.
> TIA for any ideas before I do extensive problem solving,
> Paul

When a newer version doesn't work, first of all,
try to run convert-ly to fix your file automatically.


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