I’m sorry if this has come across in the wrong way. English is not my native 
language, so sometime I do not get the tone right and sound ruder than I 
intended. I did by no means indent to reprimand you for your legitimate 

With the amazing Jean’s comment #skip-of-length should probably loose all use 
from a users perspective, as the \skip \music command is easier to use and 
more stable (this one basically does exactly what I said previously: It 
creates a SkipMusic event which takes the provided music as it’s element. Thus 
music functions like unfoldRepeats can still access this music as the skip is 
only created during translation (at which point all music functions are 
already evaluated)).


Am Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022, 21:26:38 CET schrieb Joel C. Salomon:
> On 2/15/22 14:38, Valentin Petzel wrote:
> > 15.02.2022 20:20:02 Joel C. Salomon <joelcsalo...@gmail.com>:
> >> … seem not to play nicely together.
> > 
> > Well, how should they? At the point the skip-of-length is evaluated the
> > repeats are not yet unfolded. To achieve what you want we could have some
> > mechanics where skip events could have an element property, and have the
> > handling be done by the engraver.
> In hindsight, this *is* obvious.  But I’m still only a casual user of
> the program, and have very limited experience at the Scheme level, so
> this was surprising.
> ―Joel

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