Le 15/02/2022 à 02:33, Knute Snortum a écrit :
I have come across what may be a bug.
Below is a tinyish example of gracenotes with strict-note-spacing.
The problem is the fis accidental. There's not enough space for it.
(See attached picture.)
\version "2.23.6"
rightHand = \relative {
\override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
g''4 \grace { a8 g fis g } a4 f
leftHand = \relative {
\clef bass
g16 16 16 16 fis16 16 16 16 f16 16 16 16
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff \rightHand
\new Staff \leftHand
Is it a bug? A known problem? (I did search issues and found
nothing.) Maybe I'm doing something incorrectly.
Knute Snortum
Unfortunately, SpacingSpanner options are quite buggy currently.
There is always the good old hack of inserting
"s16" before the altered note to avoid the collision.