Hi Colin,

I wonder whether any of you Lilypond wizards could help me work out how to improve my Lilypond scores. Most of my embellishments come from reading/copying bits of code from this forum - but I admit I don't always fully understand why things work. However, I have this 'snippet' which I call "Markup anywhere", which basically allows a markup to be added without disrupting any of the positioning of other items. What I would like is to know how it can be improved - so that I can use it without copying large chunks of code whenever it is required. The amended markup is demonstrated here:-

c1^\markup { \null \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
                \translate #'(-10.0 . -4.0)
                \override #'(font-name ."Tahoma bold italic")
                \fontsize #-2 \with-color #(x11-color "LimeGreen")
                \box \box \whiteout
              "Put your text here"

Could this be streamlined and generalised somehow, and yet still be able to accept various variable to alter position/colour etc
\null \with-dimensions ... seems strange: \null produces an empty markup, and _then_ the actual command begins. So you can simplify to

\markup \with-dimensions-from \null \translate .....

Just as a side note - why does the \whiteout not work perfectly?

For the whiteout, try specyfing

\override TextScript.layer = 1000

in the music or in the \layout { } block to make sure that text scripts are put in the foreground and do not lie under other layout objects.

Does this help already?


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