jh <i...@soundand.com> writes: > From one project to the next sometimes 'Frenching' a score works and > sometimes it doesn't > This is the shortest example I could figure out how to make > the second system should be just two staves (and using the same > context etc 5 days ago worked as expected on a different score so this > was copy pasted) > \version "2.22.1" > \header { > title = "Caucasus" > composer = "Jay Hamilton" > copyright = \markup { \tiny \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) > \center-column > { "CC lic 2.5 some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2022" > "see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.5/" > } } > } > #(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t) > #(set-default-paper-size "letter" ) > #(set-global-staff-size 20) > > > upper = \relative c' { > \clef treble > \key c \major > \time 4/4 > \tempo "andante" 4 = 72 > \numericTimeSignature > \accidentalStyle forget > \times 2/3 {g'8 d bes'}\times 2/3 {g d bes'} > \times 2/3 {g d bes'}\times 2/3 {g d bes'} > \times 2/3 {a d, c'} \times 2/3 {a d, c'} > \times 2/3 {a d, c'} \times 2/3 {a d, c'}\break > \times 2/3 {bes g d'} \times 2/3 {bes g d'} > \times 2/3 {bes g d'} \times 2/3 {bes g d'} > es16 bes ges bes es bes ges bes es bes ges bes es bes ges bes\break > > } > > lower = \relative c { > \clef bass > \key c \major > \numericTimeSignature > \accidentalStyle forget > bes'4 c d g, > \times 2/3 {a8 g fis} d4 \times 2/3 {c8 a c}\times 2/3 {fis g a} > \times 2/3 {bes8 a g}\times 2/3 {d bes d}\times 2/3 {fis g a} d4 > es4 ges8 [d] c [bes] ges a ~ > } > three = \relative c { > \clef bass > \key c \major > \numericTimeSignature > \accidentalStyle forget > R1*4 > > } > four = \relative c { > \clef "bass_8" > \key c \major > \numericTimeSignature > \accidentalStyle forget > R1*4 > } > > > \score { > \context PianoStaff > << > \context Staff = upper \upper > \context Staff = lower \lower > \context Staff = three \three > \context Staff = four \four > >> > \layout { > \context { > \Staff > \RemoveEmptyStaves > } > } > \midi { } > } > Please point to my stupid errors. > thanks > J
File: lilypond-internals.info, Node: PianoStaff, Next: RhythmicStaff, Prev: PetrucciVoice, Up: Contexts 2.1.24 ‘PianoStaff’ ------------------- Just like ‘GrandStaff’, but the staves are only removed together, never separately. -- David Kastrup