Hi Alasdair,

Many thanks indeed - I hadn't thought of using \transpose for this purpose, although I have indeed used it for other reasons.   Several of the initial responses to my query recommended \transpose as well.  It still means though that I need a separate declaration for every score block, or for every invocation of \global_two.  In this sense, although it's a much more efficient and flexible approach, it requires the same amount of work as changing the relative pitch for each \new \Voice for part two. I was hoping there was some neat way of including the relative pitch in the global declaration of the parts (global_one and global_two in my example).  But I do like the neatness of your method and of your function.

Maybe this helps: You can use \transpose with a variable for the destination pitch.

For example, if I write

\version "2.23.6"

tonic = f

\transpose c #tonic \relative {
  d' e f

\transpose c #tonic \relative {
  es' d c

I can change multiple scores just by re-defining \tonic. This might be combined, for example, with some \include mechanism.


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