Hi Guy,

When you would do what you should always do for these cases (when running into 
syntax errors when changing from an older version of lilypond to the current) - 
run convert-ly of the new release on your code to upgrade outdated syntax - it 
should automatically update your outdated ParenthesesItem to the new 


> On 8 Feb 2022, at 20:17, Guy Stalnaker <jimmyg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I can report a change in what I see. This code does not produce an error in 
> 2.20 but does in 2.23.6:
> %%%%
> startParenthesis = {
>   \once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob)
>                                                 (let ((par-list 
> (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob)))
>                                                   (list (car par-list) 
> point-stencil )))
> }
> endParenthesis = {
>   \once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob)
>                                                 (let ((par-list 
> (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob)))
>                                                   (list point-stencil (cadr 
> par-list))))
> }
> %%%%
> Error is:
> /home/guyst/Dropbox/Documents/Compositions/ResonetInLaudibus/../nak_standard_header.ly:79:19:
>  error: bad grob property path
>   \once \override 
>                   ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob)
> /home/guyst/Dropbox/Documents/Compositions/ResonetInLaudibus/../nak_standard_header.ly:85:19:
>  error: bad grob property path
>   \once \override 
>                   ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob)
> I've had this in my standard include file for quite some time. What might I 
> need to change to remove the error?
> Thanks
> --
> “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of 
> human existence.”
> ― Aristotle
>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 9:57 AM Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion 
>> <lilypond-user@gnu.org> wrote:
>> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.6. This is termed
>> a development release, but these are usually reliable. If you want to
>> use the current stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the
>> 2.22.1 version.
>> This release also marks a transition towards Guile 2.2: The binaries
>> available from http://lilypond.org/development are built using GUB with
>> Guile 1.8, while the packages available from
>> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/releases/release%252F2.23.6-1
>> were created with the new infrastructure developed over the past
>> months, making use of Guile 2.2. We encourage testing with your scores
>> to make sure that future releases of LilyPond will continue to work for
>> you. If there are problems with the version using Guile 2.2 that cannot
>> be reproduced with the binaries using Guile 1.8, we would love to hear
>> about them as early as possible.
>> The binaries with Guile 2.2 are different in a number of ways, the two
>> major changes being:
>> 1. All binaries are 64-bit only and available for Linux, Windows (via
>> mingw), and macOS. In particular, this finally means official binaries
>> that work on macOS >= 10.15, which cannot run 32-bit programs anymore.
>> 2. There is no installation, simply extract the downloaded tar or zip
>> (for Windows) archive and run it. The binaries don't include a GUI
>> anymore, we recommend using third-party editors such as Frescobaldi.

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